Donnerstag, 4. September 2014

Freiheit ist nicht alles. Wie sich Demokratien entwickeln

Am 4.9.14 erschien in der ZEIT Mark Lillas Artikel über die Gefahren eines unbedarften Libertarismus. Ähnliche Gedanken äußerte Lilla schon im Juni 2014:

It is time, twenty-five years on, to discuss the cold war again. In the decade following the events of 1989, we spoke about little else. None of us anticipated the rapid breakup of the Soviet empire, or the equally quick return of Eastern Europe to constitutional democracy, or the shriveling of the revolutionary movements that Moscow had long supported. Faced with the unexpected, we engaged in some uncharacteristic big thinking. Is this the “end of history”? And “what’s left of the Left?” Then life moved on and our thinking became small again. Europe’s attention turned toward constructing an amorphous European Union; America’s attention turned toward political Islamism and the pipe dream of founding Arab democracies; and the world’s attention turned to Economics 101, our global Core Curriculum., 17.6.2014

Schon 2010 hatte er den "libertären Mob" kritisiert:

Über den 11.9.2001:

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